Folklore tells us that by knowing a creature’s true name one obtains great power over her. This is the reason why daemons and such usually don’t tell you their true name, and popstars often times go under pseudonyms.
In a lot more prosaic fashion, security researchers often times struggle in finding malware samples to run for their experiments. The reason is that, most of the time, antivirus companies don’t agree on a name for a malware family.
The way antivirus companies come up with names for malware is funny by itself, and it often generates laughter in the cybercrime community. An example is the Cutwail botnet, whose real name is “Psyche Evolution”. How people came up with Cutwail is a mistery.
Fact is that I was looking for samples for the “Donbot” bot to validate some novel research. According to m86, this botnet is responsible for about 20% of worldwide spam. I looked on anubis, our honeypot system that collects thousands of malware samples, with no results. I even started wondering if that bot really existed, or it was just a legend.
After losing hope, I was told that Donbot is also known as Buzus. No idea what the true name of the bot is, but by using the second name I was suddenly able to find working samples. Which, for a poor grad student struggling with experiments, is good enough.
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